Impacted Teeth and Orthodontics which is better

Numerous dental health issues can be improved or resolved with orthodontic treatment. People typically focus on fixing the more obvious issues, such as crowded and crooked teeth, however braces can occasionally treat the more subtle issue of impacted teeth.


An impacted tooth is what?

A typical dental issue is an impacted tooth. Impaction happens when a tooth shifts into another tooth's necessary area in the gums or grows at an angle. An impacted tooth might harm neighbouring teeth's crowns or roots. A tooth next to an impacted tooth may become loose and fall out if the damage is severe and untreated.

Different Impactions

It is possible to identify multiple impacted teeth. The upper permanent canines make up the majority of the teeth that are seen in an orthodontic context. Regarding their placement, these teeth present in various ways. Canines that are impacted might occur in the palate, on the cheeks or lips, or even seriously damage the teeth nearby.

An orthodontist can offer a variety of therapies depending on the diagnosed location. Molars and premolars are two more teeth that are frequently seen impacted. Numerous factors can cause these teeth to become impacted. The type of impacted tooth depends on the tooth's angle.

 Partial Eruption :-  is when a tooth only partially emerges from the gum, frequently due to the tooth's angle and proximity to another tooth.

Angular Impaction :-  The term "angular impaction" refers to a tooth that is growing in the gum at an angle that prevents it from erupting.

Vertically Impaction :-  When a tooth erupts at the proper angle but too closely to a neighbouring tooth, it is said to be vertically impaction.

Horizontally Impaction :- A tooth that is growing at an angle and at risk of injuring a neighbouring tooth is said to be horizontally impaction.


What Signs Indicate an Impacted Tooth?

Before going to the Private Dentist in Amersham, many people are not aware that they have an impacted tooth.

A tooth cannot erupt if it is coming through the gum at an unnatural angle, which is confirmed by an examination or x-ray.

Others have symptoms, which makes them aware that anything is amiss with their tooth.

They might experience headaches, sore or swollen gums, or even difficulty fully opening their mouth.

The Benefits of Orthodontics for Impacted Teeth

An impacted tooth is one of several dental and medical issues that can be resolved with orthodontic treatment.

Early-Stage Therapy (Canine Impaction)

Early on, a canine that has been impacted may be noticed by a dentist or Orthodontist in Amersham. The tooth can emerge without being impacted with therapy. To allow an adult tooth to erupt, a baby tooth may need to be removed. A spacer can prevent a tooth from emerging into the area where another tooth ought to be. A youngster whose jaw is still developing may have a palate expander installed when additional space is required in an arch.

The better the likelihood of correcting the issue without harming (or losing) the tooth or the teeth around it, the sooner an impacted tooth is identified.

Impacted canine teeth and braces

A common solution for impacted canine teeth is braces. An impacted tooth can be pulled by the braces into the proper position. The tooth may now help with biting and chewing because it is upright and in the proper place. However, the tooth might need an uncovering surgery from a different specialist if the affected canine does not erupt into the available space (a referral would be required). After the impacted tooth is removed, braces can be placed on it to facilitate its insertion into the mouth.

Orthodontic treatment cannot save every tooth.

 Impacted teeth are occasionally untreatable by orthodontics. It's possible that too much time has passed since the impaction happened, causing harm to the tooth, or that extraction is the only practical course of action.

Sadly, even after the uncovering treatment, some impacted teeth experience Ankylosis (tooth is lodged in the bone and will not move). It's unfortunate that we have to remove these teeth. The best way to diagnose ankylosis is to use braces to reposition the impacted teeth. As a person gets older, the dangers of this canine fusion grow.

People who have completed their orthodontic treatment but haven't had their wisdom teeth removed should visit their dentist frequently to make sure they won't become impacted or crowd nearby teeth as they emerge.

Call or email us to schedule an appointment if you need assistance with an impacted tooth or a second opinion.



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