Crooked Teeth: 4 Common Causes

Crooked and misaligned teeth are becoming more common these days. You've probably met at least one adult or child in your family who doesn't have a flawless set of teeth. The alignment of the teeth has a purpose other than aesthetics. It is essential for maintaining our dental and intestinal health.

It also determines whether you have a lovely grin or not. Teeth, like eyes and fingerprints, are unique to each individual. Maintaining your dental hygiene is just as important as maintaining your overall health.

If your teeth are not precisely aligned, you may have difficulty speaking and digesting food. Every year, 67 percent of people see dentists and orthodontists to have their teeth fixed, according to experts.

 1. Genetic Problems

 The alignment of the teeth is mostly determined by genetics. If one or both of your parents have crooked teeth, you will almost certainly have crooked teeth as well. In medical words, malocclusion refers to the crookedness of the teeth. There are several types of malocclusion. Crossbite, overbite, open bite, and underbite are all examples. If you wait too long to get treatment, the biting problem will get worse. You may find it difficult to chew your meal if you have a biting problem. It causes digestive problems.

2.  Oral Habits That Aren't Good For You

Many people do not practise good dental hygiene. Children may, for example, have a tendency of sucking their thumbs or sucking on a pacifier. Both children and adults may have problems with improper brushing and flossing. These are some of the habits that contribute to crooked teeth. Unhealthy oral habits might cause the front teeth to protrude. It causes misalignment of the open bite.

3. Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders

There are two forms of oral problems that might result in tooth misalignment. It's a combination of orofacial and myofunctional disorders. The functionality of your mouth and face is affected in orofacial dysfunction. Myofunctional dysfunction is characterised by a malfunction in muscle function.You have difficulties breathing via your mouth and have a tongue posture as a result of this disease. It has the potential to trigger allergies in children. If the problems persist, the person will develop an uneven facial structure.

4.  Multiple Dental Procedures

The teeth suffer a lot when you have repeated dental treatments. Restoration work might be inefficient at times. Low-quality dental tools (implants, crowns, and bridges) are used. The filling isn't right. All of these factors influence the position of the teeth. It can also make the dental muscles less effective.


Contact the Smile Design Dental Practice if you wish to speak with a highly qualified dentist. The team is knowledgeable, competent, and skilled. At this dental facility, you will receive the best dental care and treatment.


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