
Showing posts from May, 2021

Advanced Dental Technology and Innovation

  Dental technology and modernisation have rapidly evolved. Several technologies have shaped the future of dentistry . These include augmented reality, virtual reality and teledentistry. Experts like the dentist in Brentwood use these innovations in their practice.    Laser Dentistry Practitioners including the dentist in Hutton use lasers in treating dental conditions. Laser treatment ensures a comfortable alternative for patients. Procedures involve hard and soft tissue procedures. Use of lasers has proven effective in bleaching and diagnostic purposes.   Zoom Whitening This sophisticated whitening technique promises quick results. In one treatment, it can considerably brighten teeth eight shades whiter. The bleaching procedure reduces discolouration of teeth dentin and enamel. This staining usually results from smoking or consuming beverages. Aging also blemishes and darkens the teeth.   Digital X-Rays Digital X-Ray results come out faster. Likewise, these contain